On the way back I stopped back in Gerbaud's and had a great cappuccino and a slice of chocolate cake. It's the old fancy cafe in the square and it was nice to have a relaxing stop there.
I ran into Dunia and Nadya when I was walking back, they were going to Coffee Heaven, and I said bye. I checked out of the hostel and went to print off my boarding pass at an internet cafe around the corner. Then I went in a ton of stores looking for a little Budapest souvenir, mostly on the other side of Vaci Utca. I couldn't find a good one so I ended up just getting a Parliament for an okay price because I was nervous about getting to the airport.
On the way down, I stopped at the Roman ruins quickly and then got some Spongybobby ice cream (with a name like that I had to try it) and I have no idea how to describe it. It wasn't particularly good or bad. The rest of the walk was fine and I got on the train about 20 minutes early.
The train was good, if a little difficult to navigate but I got off at the airport fine and through security with over an hour to go so I bought a carbonated water and an Internation Herald Tribune. Plus the airport had free wifi, so I was set.
The flight was fine, I read the paper and my book. I got an EasyBus ticket and made it back by 6.
I went grocery shopping and also grabbed some Cadbury Fingers, which are sort of crunchy chocolate pieces. They're good and they were two-for-one.
I met with Heidi and Kim for dinner and we talked down to the Fitzrovia Tavern where Virgina Woolf and Dylan Thomas among other used to hang out. It took us a while getting lost to find it, but it was packed but we found a little table. I ordered the country vegetable pie that came with mashed potatoes, a British dish that was again really good (and cheap) plus the tea was excellent.
We decided to try to stalk Jude Law after his performance so we went down to Leiscter Square but the show wasn't out yet. We went into a little cafe next to the exit and I had a great cappucino. We were among the first people to wait and it didn't take long for a huge crowd to gather and Jude to come out. I gave him a sheet of paper from Heidi's notebook and he asked who to make it out to, the only one he personalized, and I had no idea why. So I told him Scott and he wrote, "Scott, Best wishes, Jude Law" He was incredibly nice. We wanted a picture with him but it didn't take after about 15 seconds so he apologized (even called me mate) and moved on, but we got a kinda cooler action shot than just the posed photo.
After the Jude Law insanity (we all got autographs) we went for a little walk in the rain to the Pompidu cafe and I had another slice of awesome cake, like my 8th dessert of the day. It was getting late so they took the train back and I walked, a long crazy day.
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