Of most interest to me was the old docklands past the Tower Bridge, where among other things, the Mayflower departed, Captain Kidd was executed, Oliver Twist plots took place, Dickens wrote things, and where Canary Warf is now.
We got off in Greenwich at about 4:45, about two hours after we got to the boat. Everything closed at 5 so we hurried up to the Royal Observatory and tried to get to the Prime Meridian. It was closed. But there was a marker where they had the location of it that we could access without getting in. It was pretty cool, we did the whole half in each hemisphere thing and stood a hemisphere apart.
From there we walked around the town, it's tiny but old and nice. We stopped in Rhodes, a bakery and had a cherry tart and a fudge cake. The tart was better.
We took the ferry back which I loved again. It was great being on the Thames. Everything else in London has changed a ton but the Thames has always been there, the center of the city, it was cool to be on it and feel that connection.
We walked across Westminster Bridge and went up on the London Eye. The cars were rather large, there were about 10 people in ours. It moved so slow and was so steady that I wasn't scared at all. The views were great, although with London being a relatively flat city there wasn't all that much to see. Pretty awesome though. The best part was being above Big Ben, I felt like I was on the real like Peter Pan ride at Disney.
We walked back to Topshop and got me a Zac Efron silver hat thing since I was jealous of Mary's. Plus it keeps the hair out of my eyes, although it looks really lame. We got ready for the big trip. Amy is staying in my room and I went and hid my keys outside for her in the back of a flower pot around the corner. I felt like Sherlock Holmes. I also took photos of all the checkpoints and where I hid it. I'd make such a good robber.
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