Wednesday, 3 June 2009

2/6/09 Bucharest

I got up and went out for a walk around the town, no where in particular, just walking, it was great outside. I got a great apple pastry from the shop on the corner and I went into the old town area and poked my head in a couple shops. I found a shirt that I think could best be described as ‘Euro trash’ for cheap, so I got it. I really wanted a shirt from Romania, and it was cheap enough that it is worth it. I might even wear it.

I got another pastry, this time with blueberries in it and I met up with Cristina at the National Theater.

We went to The Mystic Café, which is sort of like a very hippy kind of place. We sat in the terrace outside and she suggested the pancakes with chocolate and honey and the lemonade with lime and raspberry, so I got it. Both were great, some of my favorite food so far.

After that we walked around by her apartment through the nice house areas and then I had to go back to the hostel for the plane.

I got on the bus no problems. Of course when I got there they said the plane was at 5:50 in the morning. I have never felt so much anger toward myself. Wizzair doesn’t print out tickets and I just assumed that 5:50 was at night, a very dumb assumption to make and one I should have done. But what airline leaves at 5:50 am? It was such a stupid mistake, I really, really hate myself for it. I’ve had such a stressful trip and I’m so low on money that I feel absolutely miserable.

I tried to get online and check flights, the next Wizzair one was ridiculous, like 300 Euro. Naturally I couldn’t get online so I went back to the hostel and got online. There were some girls I was talking to the night before that were going to Budapest so I looked at doing that, it would be about the same as flying back to London. I really really struggled with the decision and I ended up taking it. I love Budapest, and I would have felt so stupid just wasting the money. I hope this is the best thing to do, I’m so unsure of myself right now. My phone is also dead, so I’ve felt incredibly alone. But it’s ok, I know Budapest and I should have fun there. I booked my hostel and the flight back and headed down to the station. I made it in enough time to type this up. I’m just really all over the place right now. Once I’m there and then when I’m back in London, I’ll feel better. My gut reaction was to go back to London just so I didn’t have to go through more stress. But then I decided that it would be a waste and since I’m leaving Europe so soon I might as well make the most of it. I really hope I’m doing the right thing.

The train was fine, no one sat next to me and an Argentinian sat across from me. The tickets were cheap and I was there with plenty of time. I wrote a little and was pretty tired by 9:30 so I slept for a while. It wasn't so bad, I was less freaking out and just came to accept it, just making the best of a bad situation. Plus I was excited to go to Budapest again, I have such good memories of there, it makes it a nice end to my European travels (and it's cheap and I know where everything is, so no stress).

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